Drinking is not easy to learn for all babies. It takes coordination and precision to be successful. Baby learning cups or children's mugs will allow him to accomplish this action quickly and become independent in order to drink on their own. Takaterra offers you a wide selection of different options so that your little one can learn to drink easily by him or herself. The handles on the transition cups will allow your child to drink by themselves while making it easier for them to find precision in the gesture. In addition, the spouted cups prevent him or her from spilling themselves or from leaving drinks on the ground and slip. The flow of their favorite drinks will be regulated and will allow him or her to drink more easily. The silicone cups have an anti-slip action to avoid spilling the glass from a sudden gesture. Bamboo tumblers are more suitable for slightly older children and can hold a larger quantity. At Takaterra we have tried to offer you a wide choice of patterns and colors so that your little angel can recognize his or her cup and enjoy drinking every time and any time they wish. In addition, our selection is also responsibly made from healthy and impact resistant materials so they won't change shape or break. So take full advantage of the cups for your little loves and make the choice you feel like.